Evaluator Agreement

This agreement is between you, an independent contractor, herein referred to as an ‘Evaluator’ or ‘Agency’, and LeCapri Market Research LLP, herein referred to as ‘LeCapri‘.

LeCapri is a market research firm that anonymously evaluates and monitors the level of services being offered by an Organization across all the touch points (as per the requirements by the Organization) to ensure that the customer or the end user is satisfied in all aspects.

Below are the points of agreement that an Evaluator consents and admits to follow while registering with us and performing assignments for us:

RELATIONSHIP: There is no Employer – Employee relationship between the Evaluator and LeCapri. Evaluator operates as an independent contractor or freelancer. LeCapri is not responsible for any mishappening happening with the Evaluator while performing services on projects obtained hereunder.

ETHICAL CONDUCT: As an Evaluator, (s)he needs to ensure that (s)he is not currently employed or have been employed in past by any company that (s)he evaluates. The Evaluator can and should not take any assignments of any company that (s)he is currently employed or have been employed in past. Not abiding by the clause will be in direct conflict with this agreement.

CONFIDENTIALITY:  The Evaluator can not disclose the names and/or locations of LeCapri clients and keep all the findings confidential, either verbally or in writing, with respect to LeCapri or its clients. Evaluator can not share or show any reports, forms, objects or other material provided by us with any third party as all these documents and materials are copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of LeCapri and the Evaluator can not reveal the same at any point of time, in present or in future. In case an Evaluator discloses the same to any third party without the consent of LeCapri in writing, LeCapri has all the rights to take suitable legal action. The Evaluator can not, directly or indirectly, contact or approach any client of LeCapri under any circumstances.

PROJECTS: The work involved is kind of a Freelance or Part Time work wherein an Evaluator is not bound to do an evaluation. It is up to the Evaluator to accept or reject an assignment. However, once the Evaluator has accepted and been assigned an evaluation, the Evaluator needs to ensure that (s)he performs the same with dedication and within the given due date..

COMPENSATION: Evaluation Fees for assignments performed and reimbursements for permissible expenses will be paid through bank transfer within specified time period as mentioned in confirmation email, from completion of assignments and received as per the assignment requirements and deadlines. LeCapri may alter the Evaluation Fees in the form of fine for late, incomplete, inaccurate reports with required proof(s) or if assignment requirements are not met. The Evaluator is responsible to return, on demand, any or all objects given by LeCapri or its clients. We may hold the Evaluation Fees until object(s) is/are returned.

REPORTS: I, as a Mystery Evaluator, do understand and agree to complete, broadcast and accept Follow Up requests for reports and receipts on assigned or performed assignments in a professional and prompt way.

Non compete:

Reaching out to our clients will attract legal implications.

Specific for Agency:

You will receive email notification about available Mystery Shops for pan India because you are registering yourself as a Mystery Shopping Agency.
We will not be responsible if your Mystery Shoppers directly register with us and start taking projects, as we will have no way to determine whether the person belongs to your team.

An Evaluator accepts having read and understood this Evaluators’ Agreement and Online Privacy Policy and also agrees to abide by the same.